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Update Your Will Week: The Importance of Updating Your Will

2 min read
Why you should keep your will up to date

From 23-29 January 2023 Solicitors for the Elderly are running an “Update your Will Week”.

In light of this I thought I would write a blog post on the importance of updating your Will, or if you do not have one in the first place, why you should make one.

One of the questions I get asked the most when I explain what I do is, what is Contentious Probate? Put simply, it is the term for any dispute relating to a person's estate after their death. There are many disputes which can arise following someone's passing, for example:

  1. A family member or friend may be left out of the deceased's Will; or
  2. A family member or friend may have been promised something by the deceased and the deceased's Will may not reflect what they were promised; or
  3. The deceased may pass away without a Will, leaving certain family members without any provision; or
  4. The deceased's Will may be invalid

Essentially, disputes like this mean that the probate process is more complex, costly and time consuming because it involves the extra step of resolving the dispute. Having an up to date and well drafted Will is crucial in ensuring your wishes are conducted in a way that you would like, and a dispute does not arise following your passing.

So why is it important to make sure your Will is updated regularly? Even if you already have a Will, it is important to regularly review and update it to ensure that it considers any change in personal circumstances i.e., marriage, divorce, death, adoption, etc. Your Will should reflect the changes in your life, whether this be your personal relationships or financial position. Our advice is that everyone should have an up to date Will, no matter their age or circumstance.

If any of the circumstances listed above sound familiar to you or you have a general query regarding Contentious Probate, please contact us and we would be happy to assist. Likewise, if you would like to make a Will or update a current Will, we would be happy to assist. You can contact us on 01702 477106, drop into one of our offices or use the enquiries form on our website.

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